The Young German Jazz

Music Docu­men­ta­ry
´14, pro­du­ced by the Goe­the-Insti­tut, 2006

Until a few years ago, Ger­man jazz was a white spot on the inter­na­tio­nal Jazz map. Musi­cal talents from the USA and espe­cial­ly from the Scan­di­na­vi­an coun­tries domi­na­ted the sce­ne. This pic­tu­re has chan­ged dra­ma­ti­cal­ly. A group of Ger­man musi­ci­ans is cur­r­ent­ly redi­rec­ting the Ger­man jazz world and begin­ning to assert its­elf internationally.
In this film some of them are repre­sen­ted, like the trom­bo­nist and com­po­ser Nils Wogram, the pia­nist, com­po­ser and arran­ger Flo­ri­an Ross, the bas­sist Die­ter Man­der­scheid and the gui­ta­rist Frank Möbus.


Script/Director: Kat­ja Duregger
Came­ra: Ste­fan Neuhalfen
Pro­duc­tion: Kat­ja Duregger
Exper­ti­se: Jörg Süßen­bach
Com­mis­sio­ning Editors: Det­lef Geri­cke-Schön­ha­gen, Hans Kohl, Chris­ti­an Lüf­fe, Annet­te Rupp, Frank Wer­ner Im Auf­trag für das Video-Maga­zin kubus des Goethe-Instituts