Nobility in the Southwest — The Next Generation — Baronesse Franziska von Stetten

´45/´30, SWR, 2019

It often hap­pens other than you think: Fran­zis­ka Baro­nes­se of Stet­ten, youn­gest child of the Barons of Stet­ten from Kün­zels­au, always wan­ted to go out into the world. She did that for a long time, she made a care­er with a lar­ge inter­na­tio­nal food com­pa­ny and tra­vels the world. But then her father fell ill and she had to make a decisi­on: take over the busi­ness at Stet­ten Cast­le or the inter­na­tio­nal care­er. She cho­se the fami­ly and has been the mana­ging direc­tor of the Stet­ten Cast­le Home for Elder­lies in Kün­zels­au and Bad Mer­gen­theim for over 10 years. Her father, Wolf­gang von Stet­ten, a for­mer CDU mem­ber of the Bun­des­tag, foun­ded the assis­ted living for seni­ors 35 years ago at Stet­ten Cast­le. At that time he was a pioneer and the­re were many admi­nis­tra­ti­ve and social obsta­cles to be over­co­me. In the mean­ti­me, the reti­re­ment homes have beco­me a lucra­ti­ve busi­ness and ser­ve as role models. His son, CDU mem­ber of the Bun­des­tag Chris­ti­an von Stet­ten, con­ti­nues to build apart­ments around the cast­le, and even a small pri­va­te hos­pi­tal is cur­r­ent­ly being plan­ned. The fami­ly can hard­ly save its­elf from inqui­ries — the wai­t­ing list is long. And that’s not just becau­se of the loca­ti­on of the cast­le in beau­ti­ful Hohen­lo­he, but also becau­se of the warm­th and dedi­ca­ti­on of the who­le fami­ly. Fran­zis­ka Baro­nes­se of Stet­ten, just like her father, knows about every resi­dent, and that is now over 300. Not­hing escapes her loving atten­ti­on and the older women and men appre­cia­te this very much. She runs the reti­re­ment homes with the same awa­reness as her father and mother.


Direc­tor: Kat­ja Duregger
Came­ra: Moritz Kess­ler
Sound: Peter Toth
Film Edi­t­ing: Amir Richart
Mix: Vanes­sa Wollenschläger
Head of Production: Ste­fa­nie Gütle
Com­mis­sio­ning Editor: Nor­bert Bareis
Pro­du­cer: Bern­hard Stegmann
Pro­duc­tion: AV Medi­en Film und Fern­se­hen GmbH