Vincent Peirani – The New Breath of Jazz

´52, SWR/arte, 2018

The french accor­deo­nist Vin­cent Pei­ra­ni is a Talent of the Cen­tu­ry. Just as Emi­le Pari­si­en leads the sopra­no saxo­pho­ne to new sphe­res, or Micha­el Woll­ny breaks new ground in pia­no impro­vi­sa­ti­on, Vin­cent Pei­ra­ni is a part of a Euro­pean genera­ti­on of musi­ci­ans who are bet­ween 30–40 year old, who rethink jazz or impro­vi­sed music com­ple­te­ly and all its musi­cal possibilities.
In this film we accom­pa­ny Vin­cent Pei­ra­ni on a Tour through Fran­ce and Ger­ma­ny in 2017 while he is play­ing in very diver­se set­tings — in a duo with the old mas­ter Michel Por­tal, his good friend Emi­le Pari­si­en, the clas­si­cal cel­list Fran­cois Sal­que, the pia­nist Micha­el Woll­ny, but also with the jazz-rock fusi­on band “File under Zawin­ul.” Vin­cent Peirani’s musi­cal breath is limit­less. We also learn a lot about his back­ground, meet his fami­ly, and learn about what makes and moves him. Vin­cent Pei­ra­ni is tru­ly an excep­tio­nal musi­cal talent and a very spe­cial person.


Screenplay/Director: Kat­ja Duregger
Direc­tor of Photography: Klaus Sturm, Kat­ja Duregger
Sound: Ralf Weber
Film Edi­t­ing: Vol­ker Gehrke
Mix: Gerald Cro­nau­er
Head of Production: Cor­ne­lia Kellers
Com­mis­sio­ning Editor: Karl Thumm, SWR/arte
Pro­du­cer: Gerd Haag
Pro­duc­tion: TAG/TRAUM GmbH & Co.