The Sensual Book

´52, NDR/arte

The book is a com­ple­te work of art. The fasci­na­ting aspect, bes­i­des the con­tent, is also the form, the color, the illus­tra­ti­on, the typo­gra­phy, the pic­tures, the paper. It is the design, the loving details that crea­te the pas­si­on and makes the book to a sen­suous expe­ri­ence. This docu­men­ta­ti­on is about the dif­fe­rent aspects of book design. Well-known book­ma­kers, such as the Dut­ch Desi­gner Irma Boom, the Ger­man publis­her and prin­ter Ger­hard Steidl, the Bri­tish Cover Artist Jon Gray, Pari­sian publis­her Ger­ard Ber­re­by, Ham­burg-based Book- and Media Desi­gner Dr. Rai­ner Groot­huis and the French Illus­tra­tor and Aut­hor Ber­nard Gran­ger, also known as Blex­bolex, report on their work. It is an extra­or­di­na­ry jour­ney through the uni­ver­se of Book Art and Book Design that shows, the book will also sur­vi­ve the digi­tal revolution.


Screenplay/Director: Kat­ja Duregger
Direc­tor of Photography: Klaus Sturm
Sound: Lenin De Los Reyes, Manu­el Ernst
Film Edi­t­ing: Vol­ker Gehrke
Moti­on Design: Lukas von Monkiewitsch
Head of Production: Cor­ne­lia Kellers
Com­mis­sio­ning Editor: Moni­ka Schä­fer, NDR/arte
Pro­du­cer: Gerd Haag
Pro­duc­tion: TAG/TRAUM GmbH & Co. KG