In a good movie it´s all about truth,
not about reality.
Sergej Eisenstein

Behind the Scenes …


I´m born 1970 in Stutt­gart and have been working as a free­lan­ce filmma­ker and tele­vi­si­on jour­na­list for over 20 years. Sin­ce then I live and work in Cologne.

In my films I can unite ever­ything that inte­rests me. Most­ly tel­ling peo­p­les sto­ries. In my filmma­king it is about let­ting mys­elf be sur­pri­sed, irri­ta­ted, deeply moved or over­whel­med, to look, to lis­ten, to under­stand. It´s about curio­si­ty, inte­rest, rhythm, move­ment and the fasci­na­ti­on for the magi­cal com­bi­na­ti­on of image, sound and music.

For many years I have been been working most­ly for Ger­man and Inter­na­tio­nal Public Tele­vi­si­on. I like to crea­te por­traits of peop­le, in recent years often of musi­ci­ans and artists. Music is my second pas­si­on bes­i­des film. But for me as a filmma­ker, anyo­ne who has some­thing true to tell is exci­ting, who speaks about some­thing that con­cerns, moves and tou­ches us.

I am fami­li­ar with all aspects of filmma­king. I work pre­do­mi­nant­ly as direc­tor and aut­hor and have long-stan­ding expe­ri­ence as pro­du­cer, film edi­tor and cinematographer.



Kat­ja Duregger
Pho­ne: +49–221-5691755

Coming Soon

The New Life of Dr. Knarf

As part of the ARD-TV Seri­es “Ech­tes Leben” (Real Life) my film about the sto­ry of Niko Bren­ner, ali­as Dr. Knarf, will be broad­catsed on 29th of August 2023 at 11.35 pm and in the ARD Media­thek.


Arte Re: In Prison with Mama — Italy´s Youngest Prisoners

Arte Re: will be broad­cas­ted on the 12th of July 2023 at 7.40 pm in Ger­man TV. In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Manue­la Pat­ti . Pro­duc­tion: Kobalt in Ber­lin for ZDF/arte.

Coming Soon

Lahemaa National Park — Estonia

One film which is part of the TV-Seri­es arte Entdeckungen/arte découverte/arte dis­co­very about the Lahe­maa Natio­nal Park in Estonia.