
Kat­ja Duregger
*1970 in Stuttgart

1990–1998 Stu­dy of Poli­ti­cal Sci­ence, Histo­ry, Phi­lo­so­phy, Rhe­to­ric, Lite­ra­tu­re and Media Sci­ence with the
main focus on Docu­men­ta­ry Films at the Uni­ver­si­ties of Colo­gne, Tübin­gen and Mar­burg (MA). Befo­re, during and after the Uni­ver­si­ty work at Radi­os (Stadt­ra­dio Stutt­gart, Radio Ham­burg, Hit Radio FFH in Frank­furt), at WDR-Radio (Show: Hal­lo Ü‑Wagen) and diver­se TV-Pro­duc­tions in Colo­gne (among others PRO GmbH, Show: Bou­le­vard Bio and pro­bo­no GmbH).
1999–2000 Spe­cial Film and TV pro­duc­tion Trai­nee at a TV-Pro­duc­tion Com­pa­ny in Ber­gisch-Glad­bach, which pro­du­ced main­ly for WDR. Docu­men­ta­ry Film School at the Film­werk­statt Münster.
Sin­ce 2000

Free­lan­ce TV-Jour­na­list and Docu­men­ta­ry Filmma­ker for the TV sta­ti­ons WDR, HR, NDR, SWR, ZDF, 3sat, Arte. Sub­jects: Music, Cul­tu­re, Poli­tics and Society.

Pro­duc­tion of Con­cert Films, Music Docu­men­ta­ries and EPKs (Elec­tro­nic Press Kit) for Record
Labels and Musi­ci­ans (Jazz, World, Singer/Songwriter), Por­traits for Book Publis­hers and Cor­po­ra­te Films for NGOs.

2013- 2015 Pro­du­cer, Aut­hor and Direc­tor at TAG/TRAUM Film­pro­duc­tion in Cologne.


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