Alone Against The Weapon Industry – The Fight of Jürgen Grässlin

´28, WDR 2009

Hard­ly anyo­ne knows: Ger­ma­ny is the world’s num­ber three arms expor­teur ‑sales- fore­cast is rising, even in the cri­sis. One who is in con­stant resis­tance against the pro­duc­tion of wea­pons in Ger­ma­ny is Jür­gen Gräss­lin. With unbro­ken vehe­mence, the Frei­burg secon­da­ry school tea­cher has alrea­dy been over 25 years figh­t­ing against Ger­man wea­pon manu­fac­tu­rers such as the com­pa­ny Heck­ler & Koch.

In the film we accom­pa­ny the peace acti­vist and ask how suc­cess­ful can a sin­gle human be against such a lar­ge and power­ful industry?



Script/Director: Kat­ja Duregger
Came­ra: Tho­mas Kutsch­ker, Timm Lange
Sound: Chris­toph Baum­gart­ner, Tobi­as Linsel
Film edi­t­ing: Vol­ker Gehrke
Music: Gre­gor Schwellenbach
Com­mis­sio­ning Editor: Johan­na Holz­hau­er, Andrea Ernst, WDR
Pro­duc­tion: Bil­der­sturm Filmproduktion